Physical properties of urine

Transparency is clear , indicating the lack of large solutes such as plasma proteins or blood cells . [can be influenced by bacterial metabolism in older urine samples].

Color is from light yellow to amber , due to urochrome pigments as byproduct of bile metabolism [can be influenced by food, menstrual bleeding , and minor metabolic products].

Odor is from aromatic to slightly ammonia – like , due to the nitrogenous wastes in urine. [can be influenced by disorders such as glycosuria where urine shows a sweet odor, or by food such as garlic , or by drug].

 pH is from 4.6 to 8.0 with an average of 6.0 , due to H+ in the urine [strongly influenced by diet where protein cause acidic urine , and vegetables and wheat cause alkaline urine]. Specific gravity (a measurement of dissolved solutes in a solution) is from 1.001 to 1.035 , due to the 5% solute composition in normal urine .

Volume is 1-2 liters per day (about 1% of filtration input). [can be influenced by body activities , water intake , hormonal regulation, or disorders such as diabetes insipidus

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